[mod_python] problem with input filter and POST data (fileupload)

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 00:07:37 EST 2009

BTW, am still interested to know what the input filter does.

In mod_wsgi will most likely be adding ability to optionally hook into
Apache handler phases much like mod_python, except for content phase
which would be WSGI, but without all the extra crud on top that
mod_python has. Also been thinking about supporting filters, but since
am less convinced about the usefulness of them given performance
concerns, would like to know what you using filters for.


2009/2/16 Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumpleton at gmail.com>:
> 2009/2/16 Joerg <jerch at rockborn.de>:
>> just one thing,
>> from apache include/httpd.h:
>> ...
>>  #define   HUGE_STRING_LEN   8192
>> ...
>> wot a coincidence ;)
> Yeah, there are lots of magic numbers in Apache. For 256 and 8000
> popping up see interesting problem in:
>  http://groups.google.com/group/modwsgi/browse_frm/thread/e7111816e70d236a
> Something would work if data < 256 or > ~8000, but not if between the
> two bounds. Wasn't exactly 8000 because of some allowance for header
> information (I think).
> Turned out to be some silly optimisation Apache was attempting to do.
> The optimisation only got applied if keep alive was requested by
> client and enabled in server.
> Graham

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