[mod_python] problem with input filter and POST data (fileupload)

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 16:05:46 EST 2009

2009/2/15 Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumpleton at gmail.com>:
> Bouncing replay back to list.
> 2009/2/15 Joerg <jerch at rockborn.de>:
>>> Behaviour explained through failing to check for 'None' on data read
>>> by input filter before closing it.
>>>   from mod_python import apache
>>>   def outputfilter(filter):
>>>       s = filter.read()
>>>       while s:
>>>           filter.write(s.upper())
>>>           s = filter.read()
>>>       if s is None:
>>>           filter.close()
>>> In other words, forget the 'if s is None' and you will see that occur
>>> as input filter has been prematurely closed.
>>> Graham
>> sorry graham, it doesnt work with the "if s is None" either.

Augment your input filter script with debug statements so you can
trace exactly what it is doing, ie., data read, accumulated length of
data etc etc.

Use apache.log_error() function to do this.

Post your results, analysis and code used.

I still don't believe modifying util.py is the answer, it is more
likely to be something in your input filter not passing everything
back or truncating it.


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