okparanoid at free.fr
Sun Sep 28 07:09:39 EDT 2008
Hello ! I want to write a python program to restrict the access of urls by IP adress. I have an authorize_access table in a Database with values : ip, datetime, url this table is dynamically felt by an other program. The need is that my python handle apache to choose if the url requested by an IP owner is authorized for this owner or not by matching the 3 values correspond (ip, url, date) in the authorize_access table. In fact this url correspond to dav documents. The problem I have with Python Auth Handler is that, if I have well understand, it's only called with the apache directive "require valid user". As a result apache ask the user for a couple login/password who is not needed in my case because my authHandler only take care of the adress ip. Is there a solution to restrict access by ip without the need to prompt the user for login/password, by using mod_python or mod_wsgi ? Cheers