[mod_python] requests are blocking when using req.sendfile

Matt Barnicle mattb at wageslavery.org
Fri Sep 26 01:42:40 EDT 2008

> 2008/9/25 Matt Barnicle <mattb at wageslavery.org>:
>>> 2008/9/24 Matt Barnicle <mattb at wageslavery.org>:
>>>>> Are you setting a content length on the response before calling
>>>>> req.sendfile()?
>>>>> How many concurrent requests for these files are you receiving
>>>>> how long does it take to download a file?
>>>>> Graham
>>>> yes, i believe so..  now that you mention it, i haven't verified
>>>> the file size from the code below, i will do that to be sure. 
>>>> is the code:
>>>> file_path = self.conf.run.app_folder + 'public' + download.path
>>>> file_stat = os.stat(file_path)
>>>> file_size = str(file_stat.st_size)
>>>> self.req.headers_out['Content-Length'] = file_size
>>>> self.req.headers_out['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;
>>>> filename=%s' % os.path.basename(file_path)
>>>> bytes_sent = self.req.sendfile(file_path)
>>> BTW, now that you are using mod_python 3.3.1, instead of using
>>> req.sendfile(), you could possibly delegate serving of the
static file
>>> back to Apache. From memory this can be done using:
>>>   req.filename = self.conf.run.app_folder + 'public' +
>>> download.path
>>>   req.finfo = apache.stat(req.filename, apache.APR_FINFO_MIN)
>>>   return apache.DECLINED
>>> By returning apache.DECLINED you say mod_python handler will not
>>> actually handle it, and by having updated req.filename and
>>> req.fileinfo updated to new file, when it falls through to
>>> default-handler it should serve it as static file.
>>> Doing it this way should bypass prior Apache access control checks.
>>> Thus file doesn't need to be in Apache document tree or anywhere
>>> that is accessible.
>>> I believe doing it this way also has benefit that Apache will
>>> automatically set various headers that you probably wouldn't be.
>>> Please let us know if this alternate method works.
>>> Graham
>> i tried the following but it doesn't seem to do what i want:
>> DocumentRoot /var/www/my/application/public
>> <Directory /var/www/my/application/public>
>>  AddHandler python-program .py
>>  PythonHandler myhandler
>> </Directory>
> Use SetHandler instead of AddHandler.
>   DocumentRoot /var/www/my/application/public
>   <Directory /var/www/my/application/public>
>    SetHandler python-program
>    PythonHandler myhandler
>   </Directory>
> Graham

ok, getting closer..  now i get a 404 error in the browser saying
'The requested URL /download/file/3 was not found on this server.'
and in the apache logs:

File does not exist:

so it looks like it's taking the last part of the URI and appending
it to the physical filename and looking for that...  the request URI
is 'http://example.com/download/file/3'.  the 'download' controller
is what manages the music downloads.

- m@

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