[mod_python] mod_python programming books/tutorials? OT?

Kurt Häusler haeusler at fotofinder.de
Thu Jun 26 02:58:26 EDT 2008

Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> You do realise that mod_python is itself a framework in some respects,
> it just happens to be bundled with the hosting solution. A big
> downside of that is that your code isn't actually portable, so I
> wouldn't be so quick to dismiss frameworks. 
In what way is mod_python less portable than a "framework"? Not trying 
to be smart or make any claims here as I am only just starting out in 
this area myself.

I chose mod_python as it seemed like the dependencies were a lot less 
than that required by frameworks. (Other reasons include it seemed like 
a better way to learn the nuts and bolts of whats going on, I wanted a 
stronger separation / more mix-and-matchability between the "front end" 
request handling part, the business logic and database ends (ideally 
only the front end should be framework dependent but frameworks seem to 
take over the whole project, insisting on particular business logic 
patterns and ORMs), and I did play around with django a bit and it 
seemed it did a lot more stuff than I wanted,)

I haven't yet found a tutorial to be necessary though so if the OP's 
project does perhaps he would be better served by a framework.

Of course I am always ready to switch to a (light weight) framework 
should I need to, our (agile based) philosophy here is "only as much as 
needed" so mod_python it is until I reach its limits.
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