[mod_python] Problems w/ mod python

Joseph Bernhardt joe at incomps.com
Thu Apr 17 16:13:45 EDT 2008

1) How do I import a file in the same folder as the script which is
importing? This does not work:



Is this directory in your module path?  sys.path



2) I have the following code:
      print '¡Exito en introducir!<br />'
      print '<i>Esta página va a regresar a la página principal del carrito
de compras en 10 segundos.</i>'
    except IntegrityError:
      print 'Lo siento, pero el ID que entraste está usado actualmente por
otra entrada. Favor de dar para atráz y escojer otro número.'
    except OperationalError:
      print 'Lo siento, pero has añadido un carácter extraño a un número (o
en "ID", "precio", "recámaras" o "baños". Favor de dar para atráz y escojer
otro número.'
      print 'Lo siento, pero hay un error. Favor de dar para atráz y
averiguar donde está el error, y reintentar.'

When I enter and ID that is not a number, it should trigger the
IntegrityError. Instead, I get this in the error log:
[Thu Apr 17 12:06:37 2008] [error] [client] PythonHandler
mod_python.cgihandler: NameError: global name 'IntegrityError' is not
defined, referer: http://livestocksling.com/bre/iud.py 

When I enter a non-digit in a float, I should get an OperationalError.
Instead, I get more garbage:
[Thu Apr 17 12:10:38 2008] [error] [client] PythonHandler
mod_python.cgihandler: NameError: global name 'OperationalError' is not
defined, referer: http://livestocksling.com/bre/iud.py 

What do?


These exceptions are probably defined in your sql module.  Since I don’t
know which one that is, here is an example:


import MySQLdb




except MySQLdb.IntegrityError:

              print ‘oh shit!’

except MySQLdb.OperationalError:

              print ‘holy hell!’


              print ‘too bad


The errors that you are receiving are not ‘garbage’.  They are telling you
exactly what is happening.  


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