[mod_python] Importing modules in a new process.

Joseph Bernhardt joe at incomps.com
Tue Apr 8 16:14:33 EDT 2008

> What happens if you run this?:
> import sys
> path='/path/to/my/modules'
> if path not in sys.path:
>     sys.path.append(path)
> import my_module
> import datetime
> import sys
> print "Hello World."
> Regards, Clodoaldo

Thank you Clodoaldo!  This comment allowed me to figure out the primary source of my problem.  When starting a new python process via Popen, it is not only using an older version of python installed on the server, but is also using the module paths associated with that version!  I realize that this is no longer a mod_python problem, but I have been unable to post to the python-list or python-help forums through python.org (don't know why, but it keeps being returned as though my address has been blocked), so I was hoping you could tell me how to change the default python version on RHEL 2.6.9?  I have been searching all over and can't find how it is to be done!

Thanks again,

Joseph Bernhardt

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