[mod_python] How declared correctly the way in the pg.html to the apache server can resolv the script python correctly

EdgardCosta edgardalvescosta at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 05:07:18 EST 2007


First sorry, I simply forgot the address that i had replied.

Your questions:
Your config problem, you haven't explained enough about what you
have actually used in the configuration

My apache2 configuration to run mod_python is the simple one. This is in
the oficial tutorial.

 <Directory /net/www/python/>
        SetHandler mod_python
        PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
        PythonDebug On

Have you actually got a publisher handler working that doesn't involve
a form as a first step?]

Yes. A few.

What URL did you use for that?

I'm using a no-ip dns. It is to my local network only.

Where in the file system is your HTML form file kept?

I built a different way to this. The default is /var/www/ and I put it
in /net/www

Where in the file system is your publisher code file kept?

It is in /net/www/python

What is the Apache configuration snippet you use to configure
mod_python to use publisher?

The configuration is the the that a wrote in above this message.

Thanks for all

EdgardCosta <edgardalvescosta at gmail.com>

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