Mike Looijmans
nlv11281 at natlab.research.philips.com
Tue May 29 01:35:27 EDT 2007
From your post i understand that this only happens if you kill Apache. Since it is not normal practice to stop the HTTP server often, it does not seem like a problem to me. MySQL can handle the aborted connections without any problem, so don't bother try to solve something that does not need solving. Attempting to shut things down gracefully will actually only make things less stable in this particular case. Mike Looijmans Philips Natlab / Topic Automation Andres Morey wrote: > Hi, > > I am using mod_python 3.3.1 with Python 2.5, Apache 2.2.4, MySQL 5.0.27 > and MySQLdb 1.2.2. When I stop the server I get "Aborted connection" > warnings in MySQL even though I am closing the database connections > properly when an object goes out of scope (by using the __del__ > method). These warnings only happen when a python instance with an open > database connection is killed abruptly, so I think it has something to > do with the way that mod_python shuts down the python interpreter.