[mod_python] empty docstrings

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Tue May 15 20:14:18 EDT 2007

Do you have the directive:

  PythonOptimize On

set in your Apache configuration. If you do, then comment it out,
restart Apache and try again.


On 16/05/07, Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to get to run matplotlib with mod_python, but it
> fails when it gets imported. After some debugging I've found out that
> the problem is that parsing of docstrings in their classes fails. The
> reason is that the docstrings are empty instead of containing the
> actual text.
> Here's a simple script that demonstrates this behaviour - displays
> 'None' from MyClass.__doc__
> ======
> from mod_python import apache
> class MyClass:
>         """some documentation"""
>         pass
> def handler(req):
>         req.write("Docstring content: %s \n" % MyClass.__doc__)
>         return apache.OK
> ======
> Is there any way how to enforce inclusion of docstrings?
> Or am I missing something essential?
> Regards,
> Martin Dobias
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