[mod_python] Apache service won't start after module import

Matthias Niederhausen matthias.niederhausen at tu-dresden.de
Mon Jul 23 05:43:50 EDT 2007


I'm quite new to Python and integrating it into Apache, and wanted to
utilize TRAC on our Windows 2003 webserver. However, things are not as easy
as I thought: If I want to include mod_python as an Apache module, the
service won't start anymore (but loads forever till Windows kills it after
the timeout). Still, I got the very same configuration running on my WinXP

I have already done some checking to find the root of the problem, so I can
tell that the problem has nothing to do with any Python directives - just
only the module import brings Apache down. Another interesting thing is that
when I run Apache not as a service, but from the command line, the import
works and I can even get it to run the test handler(!). However, if I try
and run TRAC in this configuration, the request times out and I get a blank
Finally, the logs reveal nothing: there is no error message to be seen.
Also, the Windows event log offers no information.
Currently I use the CGI handler, but it's awfully slow. Running TRAC in its
own webserver works, but I want to configure security settings in one place.

Hoping someone here can help me,
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