Aaron Gallagher
habnabit at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 00:24:16 EDT 2006
The URL is generally any URL as long as it ends in /editor/. I don't think it happens anywhere else. def authenhandler(req): if get_prefix(req): return apache.OK # This fetches the database prefix from a PythonOption. global conn conn = MySQLdb.connect(**cparams) global curs if curs: curs.close() curs = conn.cursor() user = req.user pw = req.get_basic_auth_pw() # fetch the salted hash and an administrative flag from an SQL database if not fetchedpw: return 401 hash = sha.sha() hash.update(pw) if crypt.crypt(hash.hexdigest(), fetchedpw) != fetchedpw: return 401 if user == PREFIX or isadmin: return apache.OK return 403 On Oct 15, 2006, at 9:16 PM, Graham Dumpleton wrote: > What does your authenhandler do? Does it try and send back its own > complete response? If it does, what is the result it is providing? Can > you take out any secret bits and post it? > > Also, what is the actual URL you are using when are making the > request that sends back multiple headers? Aaron Gallagher <habnabit at gmail.com>