[mod_python] Restricted area - how to protect passwords ?

durumdara durumdara at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 03:52:51 EDT 2006

Hi !

I need to use restricted areas.
The user can login by a common usr/pwd form.

But I want to protect the password. Basically the data/content is 
travelling in uncoded form on the net.
If anyone use an interceptor utility, he/she can see the user names, and 
passwords too...

I know that banks are used https (ssl) for avoid auth. problems.

The gmail is use very simple https/ssl trick - it is use this slow 
method for login only, and later it use normal http connection.

First question:
Anyone knows about a method that I can safely use for password protection ?

If not, how to build a simple https subsite to login safely (after this 
I will use normal http).

Thank you very much for your help:

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