David Bear
David.Bear at asu.edu
Tue May 23 21:42:16 EDT 2006
I am using publisher. I have one psp template that I would like to evaluate for inclusion into another psp template. I thought I could do something like this: ================================== def _get_psp(req, name="blank.ptml", vars={}, docroot=THISROOT, template=TEMPLATES): ''' expects a docroot, template path and name of footer, returns a string containing the contents of the file named name''' fn = os.path.join(docroot, template, name) try: os.path.exists(fn) except IOError: inc = "File %s NOT Found" % fn ipsp = psp.PSP(req, filename=fn) ipsp.run(vars) return ipsp ================================== then use it like this: ================================== def index(req): ''' default page ''' fd = {} pspinclude = _get_psp(req, "registrationForm.ptml", {"submit": "http:"}) fd["formname"]="regform1" fd["form"]=pspinclude return _any_page(req, fd, MAINTEMPLATE ) ================================== But the psp.run method writes directly to the req object and the prior to anything being returned from _any_page(). I want a psp method that returns a string of html (base on a psp template). Is there a psp method that does that? btw, perhaps my thinking is skewed on using psp. I'm trying structure things similar to the way zope page templates TAL and METAL work... but that may be too much of a stretch for psp and publisher. -- David Bear phone: 480-965-8257 fax: 480-965-9189 College of Public Programs/ASU Wilson Hall 232 Tempe, AZ 85287-0803 "Beware the IP portfolio, everyone will be suspect of trespassing"