[mod_python] Need help testing mod_python?

Jim Gallacher jpg at jgassociates.ca
Sat May 20 07:27:22 EDT 2006

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T wrote:
> I can help test mod_python if needed.  I run on FreeBSD 6 with Python 2.4.3
> I've got the trunk checked out and built and can submit "make check"
> results when appropriate/helpful.

Yes, that would be very helpful. Our main FreeBSD guy is is going to be 
very busy for the next several months so it would be nice to know we are 
still covered on that platform. You should probably subscribe to the 
developers list to keep abreast of changes, although it's pretty quiet 
over there right - it seems everyone is busy working on their own stuff 
right now. Subscription info is here:



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