Alberto Ruiz
al at
Fri Mar 31 21:11:43 EST 2006
Something is wrong with the Cookie class because the web reply is not sending the cookie properly. Am I doing something wrong? This setup was working fine on a Debian system. It is now running on a FreeBSD. I sniffed the web server reply and this is what am getting: HTTP/1.1 200 OK. .Date: S at, 01 A pr 2006 01:30:21 GMT..Se rver: Ap ache/1.3 .33 (Uni x) mod_p ython/2. 7.11 Pyt hon/2.4. 2 PHP/4. 4.2 mod_ perl/1.2 9..Keep- Alive: t imeout=1 5, max=1 00..Conn ection: Keep-Ali ve..Tran sfer-Enc oding: c hunked.. Content- Type: te xt/html. ...62 .. userq=up date use r set SI D='EndNx nm0nnJEp Jtug4b2f WjusIDRV 3Kw' whe re name= 'lorim' and pass word='12 3'..41 . .<head>< meta htt p-equiv= 'refresh ' conten t='0;url =/BB.htm l'></hea d>..1 . . ..0... . So as you can see I'm getting a 62 and then some wierd text from a sql query and then the Cookie contents, as well as some other stuff. But 'Cookie:' should be preappended to the cookie. Here is a snippet of the code handling the cookie: ..... from mod_python import Cookie def index (req,LLRuser='',LLRpw=''): global R; R=req; R.content_type="text/html" R.send_http_header() cur=DBconnectpropman.DB.cursor() sidrefreshing=0 ZWF.R=R global SID;SID='' global UID;UID='' cookies = Cookie.get_cookies(R, Cookie.MarshalCookie, secret='LLR14151111') if LLRuser!='' and LLRpw!='': # login attempt if string.find(LLRuser,"@")!=-1: #client login attempt cur.execute("select clientid,name,password from client where email='"+LLRuser+"'") userrs=cur.fetchone() if str(userrs)!='None': LLRuser=userrs[1] usertable='client' else: cur.execute("select * from user where name='"+LLRuser+"' and password='"+LLRpw+"'") userrs=cur.fetchone() usertable='user' if str(userrs)!='None': #login success create session key, update user record, sett sid cookie SID='' for n in range(0,32): x=random.randint(48,108) if x>57:x+=8 if x>90:x+=6 SID+=chr(x) cookie = Cookie.Cookie('sid', SID); cookie.expires = time.time() + 36000; Cookie.add_cookie(R, cookie) q="update "+usertable+" set SID='"+SID+"' where name='"+LLRuser+"' and password='"+LLRpw+"'" R.write("userq="+q) cur.execute(q) R.write("<head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=/BB.html'></head>") sidrefreshing=1 if cookies.has_key('sid'): #we have a session id, is it valid? USER=ZWF.usercheck(R,cur) SID=USER.SID UID=USER.UID ........ Let me know if you need any other info. Can I use the regular python Cookie class instead?