[mod_python] Re: bbs written in python?

Daniel Nogradi nogradi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 04:17:01 EST 2006

> > Can this be possible that there is virtually no bulletin board / forum
> > software written in python other than the monsterous zope/plone/etc?
> I don't know specifically what you're after, but have you
> looked around at the python wiki:
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonBlogSoftware
> Also it's not a blog engine per se, but you also have the MoinMoin
> wiki engine, which may overlap in some of the functionality
> you're looking for (and works with mod_python quite well).
> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/

I looked around there already but they are all - as the name suggests
- blog software as opposed to bullletin boards or forum software. And
yes, there are a number of wikis written in Python, but it seems that
specifically bulletin boards and/or forums are not written yet. There
are many in PHP and a couple in Ruby I wonder why there is
(practically) none for Python.

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