[mod_python] global textual constants

Jim Gallacher jpg at jgassociates.ca
Mon Jun 5 13:56:19 EDT 2006

See my reply to Richard Lewis as it deals with a similar question.


David Bear wrote:
> I am attempting to have modpython populate certain slots in a psp
> template. 
> Since publisher calls the function named on the url automagically, is
> there  some init that I can call prior to that? I would like to have
> my script read some files that would provide globally available text
> -- something like a common footer disclaimer --
> so I could do someting like
> slot1 = open('slot1.txt', 'r').read()
> slot2 = open('slot2.txt', 'r').read()
> Then slot1 and slot2 would be available in any function that I need
> them.

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