[mod_python] Session not working with mpm-prefork and only one server

Michael Kleiber mike at kleibi.de
Fri Jul 14 04:40:16 EDT 2006


I need to use mpm-prefork because of sqlite and thread safety. I also 
want to use sessions but it appears that Sessions do not work with the 
preforking apache unless more than one server is started and therefore 
more than one session mutex is created at startup.

The error log gives me the following when using only on server:
	[Fri Jul 14 10:22:50 2006] [notice] child pid 13198 exit signal 
Floating point exception (8)

and I only get a blank page.

I just figured the solution out while writing the mail - just wanting to 
let everybody know in case the same problem comes up again.


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