[mod_python] Now we're getting somewhere. Where does mod_python install these files?

Dan Eloff dan.eloff at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 02:50:30 EST 2006


11:34:27 PM	Apache.exe:2216	OPEN	C:\Program
Files\Python\python24.zip\	NOT FOUND	Options: Open Directory  Access:
11:34:27 PM	Apache.exe:2216	OPEN	C:\Program
Files\Python\python24.zip\mod_python.pyd	PATH NOT FOUND	Options: Open 
Access: All
11:34:27 PM	Apache.exe:2216	OPEN	C:\Program
Files\Python\python24.zip\mod_python.dll	PATH NOT FOUND	Options: Open 
Access: All
11:34:27 PM	Apache.exe:2216	OPEN	C:\Program
Files\Python\python24.zip\mod_python.py	PATH NOT FOUND	Options: Open 
Access: All
11:34:27 PM	Apache.exe:2216	OPEN	C:\Program
Files\Python\python24.zip\mod_python.pyw	PATH NOT FOUND	Options: Open 
Access: All
11:34:27 PM	Apache.exe:2216	OPEN	C:\Program
Files\Python\python24.zip\mod_python.pyc	PATH NOT FOUND	Options: Open 
Access: All

Apache looks in a few other places for these files, but never finds
them. I imagine they are the source of all my troubles. Where are they
meant to be and why are they not there?


On 1/17/06, Dan Eloff <dan.eloff at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Lee, thanks for helping me
> I checked up and SYSTEM has full control over the python directory.
> WIly Coyote (me) is listed as the owner of the directory, and has
> special permissions checked, when I click on advanced it seems to
> indicate that Wily Coyote also has Full Control (no big surprise or I
> wouldn't be able to execute python.
> I'm actually just setting up this computer as a development machine, I
> wouldn't use Win Xp as a production server as it has artificial limits
> placed on how many connections it can accept (max 25 simultaneous I
> think.) This is in order to force people to use Windows Server OS.
> If you think of anything else, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> -Dan

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