[mod_python] Why Apache does not execute cgi scripts

Tomasz Wlodek tomw at bnl.gov
Fri Feb 24 16:41:08 EST 2006

Ok, one detai, which I discovered by trial and error:

If I remove the line

require valid-user

then Apache allows me to execute the cgi scripts.

If I leave it then it displays them as text.

Does anyone understand this behavior?

Tomasz Wlodek                        | tel 631-344-7448
Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
Upton NY 11973-5000                  |

On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Tomasz Wlodek wrote:

> Hello experts,
> I am not sure whether this issue belongs to Apache proper or mod python or
> both.
> here is the problem: I use mod_python authentication handler to
> authenticate users who come to some directory. This part of the code works
> fine.
> After the user is authenticated mod_python returns apache.OK and then
> Apache is supposed to execute cgi script which is located in this
> directory. For the time being the cgi script is a simple "Hello world" in
> python.
> Now comes the problem: users are authenticated, then Apache takes the cgi
> script but instead of executing it it displays its content as text file.
> The funny thing is that the same cgi script when I move it to another cgi
> directory (where I do not use mod_python for authentication) works fine.
> It executes as cgi script.
> Apparently when I protect a directory by mod_python authentication handler
> then Apache does not want to execute underlying cgi scripts from this
> directory!
> Here comes the configuration file for this directory:
> Alias /GridHyperNews "/var/www/cgi-bin/GridHyperNews"
>     <Directory /var/www/cgi-bin/GridHyperNews>
> 	AllowOverride None
> 	#I want the directory to contain cgi scripts
>         Options +ExecCGI
> 	SetHandler cgi-script
> 	# users who come to this directory must be authenticated by
> 	# myhandler2
> 	PythonAuthenHandler myhandler2
> 	PythonDebug on
> 	PythonPath "sys.path + ['/root/mod_python_handlers']"
> 	require valid-user
>     </Directory>
> The myhandler2.py code is very simple
> from mod_python import apache
> from mod_python import util
> import _mp_mod_ssl
> import os,string
> def authenhandler(req):
>     req.add_common_vars()
>     req.user="unknown_user"
>     return apache.OK
> Now, no matter what I do scripts under the directory
> /var/www/cgi-bin/GridHyperNews are not treated by Apache as cgi but as
> text files.
> Tomasz Wlodek                        | tel 631-344-7448
> Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
> Upton NY 11973-5000                  |
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