[mod_python] Upgrade Apache to python2.5?

Bob Gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
Fri Dec 29 21:20:57 EST 2006

Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> On 30/12/2006, at 6:16 AM, Bob Gailer wrote:
>> I want to "Upgrade Apache to use python2.5" rather than the python2.3 
>> that came with the Apache2Trid package.
>> Any help is welcome.
> There are prebuilt packages for mod_python for different Apache/Python
> combinations available from:
>   http://nicolas.lehuen.com/download/mod_python/
> You would still have to separately upgrade Python first
> Since Apache2Triad is a prepackaged WAMP system, you may be better off 
> asking
> on the Apache2Triad forums as they may better understand the 
> implications of
> upgrading Python and the mod_python components and whether it can be
> successfully done for their system of components.
Thanks - what's WAMP (Google search did not help)
> Graham

Bob Gailer

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