[mod_python] mod python PSP and UTF 8 encoded libraries

durumdara durumdara at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 05:56:20 EST 2006

Hi !

I use Pyscripter and Pspad for editing sources.
The Pyscripter have many good functions, but it have a very ugly 
property: it changes all of non-ascii chars in the source (in background).
So when I put a special char in the source, it was replaced to "?".

The author of this good program said that I can use utf-8 encoding.
Ok, this is solution (I thought) and then I save my every library in 
UTF-8 encoding.

But next I got many errors, because psp cannot handle the shared lib 
files when they are encoded in utf.

Can psp use these libs in utf mode, or I need to "downgrade" them to 

Thanks for your help:

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