[mod_python] Publisher and DEFLATE Filter

Clodoaldo clodoaldo.pinto.neto at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 18:55:51 EST 2006

2006/12/2, Jorey Bump <list at joreybump.com>:
> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> > To me this is getting to what mod_python is really about, it is a means
> > of programming
> > Apache by using all the various phases as they are intended and not just
> > a jumping off
> > point for content handlers to WSGI, Django, TurboGears etc. :-)
> This *is* exciting, but when administering a server that supports
> mod_python, PHP, CGI, ColdFusion, static HTML, etc., it's more expedient
> to configure mod_deflate in the main httpd config, so that it applies to
> all virtual hosts and matching content.

Yes, set it up in one only place. But if the solution involves a
deprecated directive is it still better? The alternative proposed by
Apache is mod_filter, but to be honest I didn't understand it in the
first read and at the second read I still don't understand. The
handler stacking solution is simple to understand.

Clodoaldo Pinto Neto

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