Deron Meranda
deron.meranda at
Tue Aug 1 15:15:15 EDT 2006
I finally got it working! (Thanks Graham and Jim) I apparently had a logic error in my complex access handler. After simplifying things to the bare minimum I can now use mod_python to set the subversion user. For those who are potentially interested, here's a simple illustrative example of how to use mod_python along with subversion, whereby the python handler *simulates* a BASIC auth (username and password), but without using any of the built-in Apache Auth*, Satisfy*, Limit*, or Requires* directives. # In Apache config <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNPath /path/to/svn/repo PythonAccessHandler myauth::setuser </Location> # File def decode_basic_auth(req): try: autype, auparm = req.headers_in['Authorization'].split() if autype.upper() != 'BASIC': return None import base64 auparm = base64.decodestring( auparm ) auuser, aupass = auparm.split( ':', 1 ) return auuser, aupass except: return None def setuser(req): basicauth = decode_basic_auth(req) if req.method in ('GET','PROPFIND','OPTIONS','REPORT','HEAD'): pass # Allow anonymous read-only access else: # A non-read-only method requires authentication okay = False if basicauth: ba_user, ba_pass = basicauth if ba_user == ba_pass: # Replace with real pw validate later req.user = ba_user # Set the username as appears in subversion logs okay = True if not okay: # Force UA to send authentication req.err_headers_out['WWW-Authenticate'] = 'BASIC realm="Subversion"' raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED return apache.OK In actuality setting the req.user seems to work as long as you do it in any phase all the way through the PythonFixupHandler. For the curious, a typical subversion commit of changes to a single file results in a flurry of HTTP requests with different methods, such as follows. Obviously if you do this for real you'll want to keep your authentication phase quick. You do not need to set req.user for the read-only methods (if you allow anonymous read-only access), but it is important that for any of the other methods you always set req.user to the SAME string (otherwise you'll get a 501 error from mod_dav_svn complaining it can't do multi-user commits). OPTIONS MKACTIVITY PROPFIND PROPFIND CHECKOUT PROPPATCH PROPFIND CHECKOUT PUT GET MERGE MERGE DELETE PROPFIND PROPFIND REPORT GET ... lots more GETS ... -- Deron Meranda