[mod_python] avoiding apache restarts to reimport modules and refresh global cache

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at dscpl.com.au
Thu Sep 15 12:46:11 EDT 2005

On 16/09/2005, at 2:09 AM, Steve Bergman wrote:

> Huzaifa Tapal wrote:
>> I have been using my python based web application framework, slither, 
>> which was recently upgraded to be a mod_python handler for more than 
>> 6 months now for various applications at my company.  One dillema I 
>> see with the persistent environment with mod_python is that everytime 
>> I update code in production, i have to restart apache so that my 
>> library modules can be reloaded as well as any caching I am using.
>> I am using apache.import_module() to import any page modules in my 
>> applications and those get reimported at every change since they have 
>> the autoreload turned on.  I also know that Vampire has a pretty good 
>> module importing system then that provided by apache.import_module(). 
>>  I was wondering if it would be a good idea overwrite the 
>> __builtin__.import() method with that of Vampire's import_module or 
>> apache.import_module() so that the checks of "mtime" are done and the 
>> reloads happen automatically.
>> Is there another better way of reloading all my library modules and 
>> refreshing the cache?
> I have a possibly related question.  I'm new to mod_python, but I have 
> already noticed that if I have a module with a class that has a method 
> that returns, say, a list to a calling function in main, and then 
> change it to pass back, say, a dictionary, the interpretter sometimes 
> wants to continue to act like a list was passed, when the main program 
> is expecting a dictionary.  The behavior is inconsistent in that 
> sometimes it works right and sometimes not.  I think this might be 
> covered in question 3.1 of the FAQ, but I'm not sure I quite 
> understand what it is saying.
> Could someone enlighten me?

Yes, your problem could possibly be related to this. For a more
comprehensive list of issues with the module importing system



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