[mod_python] Mod_python Charts

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at dscpl.com.au
Mon Oct 17 17:09:09 EDT 2005

On 17/10/2005, at 11:02 PM, Jim Gallacher wrote:

>> from mod_python import psp
>> def index(req):
>>     req.content_type = 'text/html'
>>     tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='templates/write.tmpl', vars= 
>> {'req': req, 'psp': psp})
>>     tmpl.run()
>> write.tmpl
> In what directory? You are depending on whatever apache thinks is  
> the current working directory, which may not be what you think it  
> is. As has been suggested before, try using an absolute path:
> eg. inputfile = '/tmp/test.txt'

Here is previous email on this point:


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