python_it at
python_it at
Fri Oct 14 08:13:22 EDT 2005
Did somebody has experience with CharDirector and Mod_python (Publisher). (Python 2.4 / ChartDirector for Python / Modpython 3.2.2b) I cant make chart with this combination? (I dont get errors?) Publisher is working ok with other scripts. I use the following script files: Index.htm => => chart.tmpl Index.htm ================= Link to ================= from mod_python import psp,util def index(req, perc=[10 , 10 , 80], descrip=['10', '10' ,'80'], title="chart", filename="chart.png"): req.content_type = text/html tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='templates/chart.tmpl', vars={'req': req, 'psp': psp, 'perc': perc, 'descrip': descrip, 'title': title, 'filename': filename}) chart.tmpl ================= <HTML> <%=perc%><br> <%=descrip%><br> <%=title%><br> <%=filename%><br> <% from pychartdir import * def graph(perc, descrip, title, filename): #The data for the pie chart data = perc #The labels for the pie chart labels = descrip #Create a PieChart object of size 500 x 230 pixels, with a golden background and #a 1 pixel 3D border c = PieChart(1000, 500) #Set the center of the pie at (150, 100) and the radius to 80 pixels c.setPieSize(330, 210, 160) #Add a title at the bottom of the chart using Arial Bold Italic font c.addTitle(title, "timesbi.ttf", 14) #Draw the pie in 3D c.set3D() #Use the side label layout method c.setLabelLayout(SideLayout) #Set the label box the same color as the sector with a 1 pixel 3D border c.setLabelStyle("ARIALBD.TTF", 10).setBackground(Transparent, -1) #Set the border color of the sector the same color as the fill color. Set the #line color of the join line to black (0x0) c.setLineColor(SameAsMainColor) #Set the start angle to 135 degrees may improve layout when there are many small #sectors at the end of the data array (that is, data sorted in descending #order). It is because this makes the small sectors position near the horizontal #axis, where the text label has the least tendency to overlap. For data sorted #in ascending order, a start angle of 45 degrees can be used instead. c.setStartAngle(60) #Set the pie data and the pie labels c.setData(data, labels) #output the chart c.makeChart(filename) graph(perc, descrip, title, filename) %> </HTML> RESULTS IE [10, 10, 80] ['10', '10', '80'] chart chart.png Im missing the png file in my template directory? Why the Chart is not making? _________________________________________________________________ Stuur een voiceclip met MSN Messenger 7.5