[mod_python] feature request: psp templating returns html code to calling script, not to browser.

Wouter van Marle wouter at squirrel-systems.com
Thu May 19 03:28:43 EDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-05-19 at 01:52 -0400, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> Wouter van Marle wrote ..
> > def get_source(filename):
> >     dir, fname = os.path.split(filename)
> >     dir += "/"
> >     pycode = _psp.parse(fname, dir).splitlines()
> >     pycode = [s.rstrip() for s in pycode]
> >     for line in pycode:
> >         left = line.replace("\t", " "*4)
> >         result += left+"\n"
> >     return result
> This may only work for an indenting style where tabs are used. At least
> the substitution of tabs with 4 spaces looks dangerous to me in that it
> could screen up indenting of code. You would also be changing tabs
> that may be present in literal strings. Why did you feel you needed to
> do these changes.

Agreed, is not necessary. I had it in because it is used as such in the
psp module for html formatting (and later for debugging: the text shows
a bit nicer). Is not necessary.

> > def get_html(filename, vars={}):
> >     code = get_source(filename)
> >     lines = code.splitlines()
> >     code = 'html = ""\n'
> >     for l in lines:
> >         l = l.replace("req.write(", "html +=").replace(",0)", "")
> >         code += l+"\n"
> >     global_scope = globals().copy()
> >     global_scope.update(vars)
> >     html = ""
> >     l = locals()
> >     try:
> >         exec code in global_scope, l
> >     except:
> >         et, ev, etb = sys.exc_info()
> >         raise et, ev, etb
> >     return l["html"]
> Actually modifying the source code seems a bit messy to me. You could
> still use the "req" wrapper class hack I suggested before, or if you know
> the PSP page never actually references the "req" object explicitly, you
> could pass an instance of StringIO into it and call it "req" and it should just
> work. This would avoid having to pass in locals(). For the purposes of
> what you are doing, there is probably no point even copying globals as
> it may not give you anything you need anyway. You could almost just
> use "exec code in vars".

Looks like a more elegant solution indeed. I was a bit stuck on the req
object part, not knowing well enough what it is and what could be passed
instead. The goal was simply to get a string with the html code out of
it. Ah well, another python trick learnt :)

> def get_html(filename, vars={}):
>      code = get_source(filename)
>      vars = vars.copy()
>      vars["req"] = StringIO.StringIO()
>      try:
>          exec code in vars
>      except:
>          et, ev, etb = sys.exc_info()
>          raise et, ev, etb
>      return vars["req"].getvalue()
> Graham

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