[mod_python] Cookie documentation, small correction

Vivian De Smedt vivian at vdesmedt.com
Mon Mar 28 22:49:31 EST 2005

Dear mod_python developper,

 I just want notify you a small mistakes the Cookie module documentation.
The sample section use the get_cookie api instead of the get_cookies one.
In consequence the following section:

    from mod_python import apache, Cookie

    def handler(req):

        cookies = Cookie.get_cookie(req, Cookie.MarshalCookie,
        if cookies.has_key('spam'):
            spamcookie = cookies['spam']

            req.write('Great, a spam cookie was found: %s\n' \
                                          % str(spamcookie))
            if type(spamcookie) is Cookie.MarshalCookie:
                req.write('Here is what it looks like decoded: %s=%s\n'
                          % (spamcookie.name, spamcookie.value))
                req.write('WARNING: The cookie found is not a \
                           MarshalCookie, it may have been tapered with!')


            # MarshaCookie allows value to be any marshallable object
            value = {'egg_count': 32, 'color': 'white'}
            Cookie.add_cookie(req, Cookie.MarshalCookie('spam', value, \
            req.write('Spam cookie not found, but we just set one!\n')

        return apache.OK

should be rewritten:

    from mod_python import apache, Cookie

    def handler(req):

        cookies = Cookie.get_cookie*s*(req, Cookie.MarshalCookie,
        if cookies.has_key('spam'):
            spamcookie = cookies['spam']

            req.write('Great, a spam cookie was found: %s\n' \
                                          % str(spamcookie))
            if type(spamcookie) is Cookie.MarshalCookie:
                req.write('Here is what it looks like decoded: %s=%s\n'
                          % (spamcookie.name, spamcookie.value))
                req.write('WARNING: The cookie found is not a \
                           MarshalCookie, it may have been tapered with!')


            # MarshaCookie allows value to be any marshallable object
            value = {'egg_count': 32, 'color': 'white'}
            Cookie.add_cookie(req, Cookie.MarshalCookie('spam', value, \
            req.write('Spam cookie not found, but we just set one!\n')

        return apache.OK

Thanks for your nice module,

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