[mod_python] Using mod_python on a commercial hosting provider

azurIt azurit at pobox.sk
Fri Mar 18 16:00:26 EST 2005


make file '.htaccess' in directory where you python scripts are and 
write this into it:

AddHandler python-program .py .pyc
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On

it will set the handler for .py and .pyc files to the mod_python's 
publisher.py . if it won't work, you don't have a permission to do 
it, then you must ask the admin to do this for you.


> Hello,
> I'm trying to use mod_python on a commercial hosting provider, 
that give 
> me really few info about their setting. I now only that they have 
> python2.2 in /usr/bin and that python is linked to apache via 
> mod_python. Now, how can i execute the simple "hello word" script 
> written in the manual?
> from mod_python import apache
>      def handler(req):
>          req.content_type = "text/plain"
>          req.send_http_header()
>          req.write("Hello World!")
>          return apache.OK
> how can i set a python handler if i have not write access to 
> Thank you in advance,
> _Andrea Fiore
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Vsetko o SuperStar

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