wagnerh at oclc.org
Mon Mar 7 16:32:27 EST 2005
Is there a way with mod_python to init global variables in a handler the first time it is called, so that they are available (and already initialized) in subsequent calls to the handler? I thought the following might work, but no joy: from mod_python import apache, util, Session def handler(req): # req.log_error("in handler") global ddcServer ddcServer.req = req ddcServer.do_GET() return apache.OK ... ddcServer = '' if not ddcServer: ... ddcServer = DDCServer(None) ddcServer.captions = DDCCaptions(captionsFile) ddcServer.localText = TextLocalization(captionsFile) ddcServer.ddcSearch = ddc3.DDCSearch(oclc2ddcFile, recFileName, compFile) The 'if not ddcServer' code is invoked with every call to the handler. Any ideas what I am doing wrong, or if this is possible with mod_python? TIA... harry