[mod_python] Red-Hat vs Debian

Lionel Roubeyrie lroubeyrie at limair.asso.fr
Fri Mar 4 04:10:39 EST 2005

Hi all,
I go in trouble with two servers, one running under Debian Sarge with 
Apache2 version 2.0.53
Python 2.3.5
mod_python 3.1.3
and one under RedHat 3ES with
Apache 2.0.46
Python 2.2.3
mod_python 3.0.3

The two servers have the same files, but I can't configure them to show the 
same things :
with Debian, all work fine :
<Directory /home/lionel/Developpement/PREVAIR_LIMAIR/CARTAIR>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AddHandler mod_python .py
        PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
        PythonDebug On
But if I put this conf in RedHat, The page is not passed in the publisher, the 
text of the .py file is directly printed on the screen.
I have modified 
AddHandler mod_python .py 
AddHandler python-program .py
, the pages are correctly diplayed this time, but the internals links don't 
work anymore, like in the page integration.py, the link
<a href='integration/prevair'> doesn't work, but
<a href='integration.py /prevair'> is ok.
Do I have to change all the links in all my pages?

Lionel Roubeyrie - lroubeyrie at limair.asso.fr

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