[mod_python] Articles on module importing.

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at dscpl.com.au
Thu Jul 7 20:14:20 EDT 2005

Jorey Bump wrote ..
> Most (but not all) of the issues you raise concern writing handlers. I'd
> hate to see someone leave with the wrong impression about how to deal 
> with these issues in their applications, when the advice given is more
> appropriate at the handler level.

If you feel that this primarily only affects those who are writing their own
high level handlers, as opposed to those who might instead be using the
mod_python.publisher handler, then I would suggest you are wrong.

The current mod_python.publisher handler uses the import_module()
function internally to load modules and so it is just as much afflicted by many
of these problems, more so when within a published module the code uses
the import_module() explicitly and even if only the "import" statement is
used within that module.

> I think that defining the higher level problems and goals now will help
> to arrive at solutions that might not necessarily involve fixing current
> components.
> For example, let's imagine that all of mod_python's import problems can
> be solved with some kind of magic bullet:
> 1. We want the PythonPath extended automatically based on the location
> of a file.

This is not a goal or requirement, it is indicative of a solution. To provide
the desired behaviour doesn't require PythonPath be extended as there are
actually better ways of achieving the same thing and still maintain the
required transparency that you require.

The real goal you are probably alluding to is that within a Python code
file serving as a handler you want the "import" statement to be able to
pick up a module that resides in the same directory. Yes?

At the moment, if using mod_python.publisher this only works where the
published module is in the same directory as where the PythonHandler
directive was specified, it does not work where the published module is
in a subdirectory. Thus, should the ability to use the "import" statement
in this way also work for a published module in a subdirectory of where
the handler directive was originally defined?

> 2. We want imported modules to be unloaded/reloaded automatically if 
> modified or replaced in any way.

What sort of imported modules though? Should this only apply to modules
imported by import_module() whether as a high level handler or explicitly
by the user or within something like mod_python.publisher? Should it also
apply to modules imported using the "import" statement for (1) above?
Should there be depth based dependency checking such that if some
grand child module imported at global scope within a high level handler
is changed, that all parents of the module up to the high level handler
should be automatically reloaded?

> 3. Imports of application code should be handled in a way that supports
> the packaging and portablility of an application.

Packages are a big problem when it comes to making automatic module
reloading work properly. I have probably put in a few days worth of
effort just into this particular issue of late and still don't have a workable
solution. I got to the point where I could finally see what might yield
a workable solution and then stopped as the code was getting overly
complicated, so much so that one had to question whether it was worth
the trouble.

The problem with packages is that although simple packages where
module imports fall into a strict tree and parents import all their children
at the outset can be made to work, if you want to support multi level
dependency checking for changes in the module reloading scheme, it
gets really hard after that. This is because the module imports within a
package can result in a graph of dependencies inclusive of cycles. The 
final solution which I stopped short of implementing entailed having to
treat a package as a complete blob and if any file within the package
changed, you had to force reloading of every file within the package
and anything that relied on any part of the package.

At some point there is going to have to be a major decision made as
to whether import_module() should support packages or not. This will
be a trade off between a great deal more complexity in the module
importing system or not supporting packages, thereby forcing someone
to use the bog standard "import" mechanisms in Python for packages
and thus give up any form of automatic module reloading.

> I know you didn't want to go into the mechanics of fixing the module 
> import mechanism, and I offer this only as an example to highlight the
> benefits of determining *what* to fix before deciding *how* to fix it.
> A  scheme such as the one I outline offers backwards compatibility for 
> legacy applications at the expense of adding some code that offers 
> important new functionality. 

If one kept everything backward compatable you will still have a broken
system as some problems cannot be fixed except by breaking backward
compatability. The best one could achieve in some areas is to have the
new system be incompatible, but provide a option which allows the old
behaviour to be selectively turned on for parts of the document tree. This
would allow old code to work, but at the same time would open up the
code to some of the existing problems.

One does has to look at what the high level goals are and I don't mind
a bit of discussion on this. It gets to a point though that it becomes
really hard to enumerate the goals without showing how they would
be achieved. Past discussions have degenerated into mail storms
because without an explaination of the problem, as well as a specific plan
in front of people as to how it could be fixed and how it would work to
focus on, it would just diverge into half a dozen different conversations
ranging from taking issue with whether it was a problem in the first
place to one of a number of solutions that didn't really address the
problem because the person proposing it didn't really understand the

Thus my experience from past discussions on this was that there are a
great deal more issues and questions to be answered than most appreciate.
Some others have tended to focus on a specific aspect of one issue not
realising that there are half a dozen other factors that need to be considered
on that one point.

> Hopefully, any changes to mod_python can be
> done in a similar way that doesn't threaten to fork the code.

I am not out to fork the mod_python code. I am very conscious of
maintaining backward compatability and I want to see mod_python
fixed. It has been slow progress though in getting some users to
even accept what the problems are and that they do exist and that
they aren't some figment of my crazed imagination. It is has been
even harder getting some to accept some of the solutions I have
been proposing. They seem to think I am going to break everything
or inforce some new world order. I have almost given up trying a
few times. My SO is very patient, but she has a limit when it comes
to spending so much time on something which isn't what I am
mean't to be focusing on. :-(


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