[mod_python] Disable .py file serving in Apache

Sébastien Arnaud arnaudsj at mac.com
Thu Jan 6 00:12:37 EST 2005


I am running blank tonight on this simple question: "How can I make 
sure that apache will never serve a .py file as is?"

I have a config like this:

	<Directory /my/dir/>
			DirectoryIndex index.htm
			AddHandler mod_python .html
			PythonHandler ZPYWmc
			PythonDebug On
			PythonAutoReload On

Basically all the .html will be looking at my handler ZPYWmc.py to know 
what to do. All the .htm will be served as normal static files in 
/my/dir. How can I make sure Apache does not serve /my/dir/ZPYWmc.py 
from a simple HTTP request and show my source code to the world?



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