[mod_python] mod_python test

Damjan gdamjan at mail.net.mk
Thu Feb 24 07:53:22 EST 2005

> The path is wrong, your the handler name wrong and 3.1.3 name is used
> on AddHandler. Instead use:
> <Directory /home/ales/public_html/ice/python>
>    AddHandler python-program .py
>    PythonHandler test
>    PythonDebug On
> </Directory>

You are correct, only there might be problems with a python file named
test.py, since there's already a python module called test. Name the
script 'mptest.py' and make that directive :

	PythonHandler mptest

damjan | дамјан
This is my jabber ID --> damjan at bagra.net.mk <-- not my mail address!!!

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