[mod_python] Segfaults when running mod_python and mod_php4/mod_php5

Daniel S. Reichenbach dsr at best-off.org
Tue Dec 13 08:41:36 EST 2005

> Is it possible that you have mod_auth_mysql enabled?
No, not enabled. Mods enabled include:

- mod_cgi
- mod_dav
- mod_dav-svn
- mod_python
- mod_php5
- mod_ssl

And if if remove php5 or php4, mod_python will stay alive. As
long as it's enabled, mod_python will segfault and no longer
serve pages. I've been trying lots of combinations in the last
two weeks.

I'll try the debug hints later, hopefully something will show

With kind regards,
blog - http://people.best-off.org/~dsr/
gpg  - http://people.best-off.org/~dsr/gpg.asc
work - http://www.best-off.org/

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