[mod_python] Problem in executing java program using mod_python.

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Wed Aug 17 11:04:59 EDT 2005

I see you've also asked this on pylucene-dev - Andi Vadja's answer there 
is good, and that's probably the best case to continue the discussion... 
(I'm on that list too)

Manjeet Chaudhary wrote:

> We are working for indexing and searching of Arabic text.
> Brief about our application is :
> 1.   It's a web based indexing and searching application.
> 2.   It should index the Arabic/English text
> 3.   Searching Arabic/English text.
> PyLucene is best for Indexing using Python. But there is no Arabic 
> Analyzer available for Python.
> Aramorph is a Java based Arabic Analyzer. How can i use 
> ArabicAnalyzer.jar for my case using Python and Mod_Python.
> I want to pull Java Lucene into Python: PyLucene.I have an 
> "ArabicAnalyzer.jar" file in Java and i want to use in Python.I have 
> gone through a documentation of how to convert Java into Python using 
> "gcj" and "swig" , but i am confused about how to go about.
> So please help me and tell me the exact procedure to follow to pull 
> that jar file in python.
> Thank you
> M Chaudhary
> David Fraser wrote:
>> We use PyLucene too and its fantastic, but just be aware that if you 
>> run Apache in multi-threaded mode (e.g. under Windows) there are 
>> conflicts with the gcj threading (for which there are also 
>> workarounds, mainly running a separate process for PyLucene)
>> Julien wrote:
>>> Why not using PyLucene ? http://pylucene.osafoundation.org/
>>> It's a SWIG python port of Java Lucene, and it works perfeclty with
>>> mod_python (we use it every day here at work)
>>> On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 15:53 +0530, Manjeet Chaudhary wrote:
>>>> Hello All
>>>> I am using mod_python and Lucene for searching of Arabic Text from 
>>>> an Index created using Lucene+Java.
>>>> I am facing some problems in running "java" command using mod_python.
>>>> 1.   I am trying to run java program using "os.system" command.
>>>>    Check = os.system("java ..........")
>>>> 2.   The command returns me a value of 256.
>>>>    i.e Check = 256
>>>> 3.   I am not able to figure it out why that java program is not 
>>>> being executed properly.
>>>> 4.   For the java program i have set the classpath and compiling 
>>>> and running that program using the classpath.
>>>>    export CLASSPATH = 
>>>> /home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/lucene-1.4.3.jar 
>>>> :/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/PDFBox-0.6.7a.jar 
>>>> :/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/log4j-1.2.8.jar 
>>>> :/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/tm-extractors-0.4.jar 
>>>> :/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/ArabicAnalyzer-1.0b.jar 
>>>> :/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/commons-collections-3.1.jar 
>>>>    javac -classpath $CLASSPATH:. SearchFiles.java
>>>>    java -classpath $ClASSPATH:. SearchFiles
>>>> 5.   SearchFiles program is running properly if i run it from shell.
>>>> So please help me and tell where i am going wrong.
>>>> I have attached the copy of code at the end .
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Manjeet Chaudhary
>>>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>>>> """
>>>> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>> #Name:       ar_search.py
>>>> #Version:    1.0
>>>> #Purpose:    Searching for Infoviewer
>>>> #Author:     Alok Khandelwal
>>>> #Created:    10-08-2005
>>>> #Licence:    Infogrid Pacific EULA
>>>> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>> #Revision History
>>>> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>> #----------------Different modules required are imported 
>>>> here-------------------
>>>> """
>>>> import cgitb,cgi,sys
>>>> cgitb.enable()
>>>> import os
>>>> from os.path import join, abspath
>>>> from mod_python import apache,util,Session
>>>> """
>>>> #----------------End of importing 
>>>> modules----------------------------------------
>>>> def search(req):
>>>>    """This part takes Arabic keyword from req variable and write 
>>>> that keyword into a temp file. This temp file will be opened by 
>>>> java program and that program will take that value and search for 
>>>> the variable in the index file.
>>>> Java program will store the result in results.txt file"""
>>>>    The_Form = util.FieldStorage(req)
>>>>    for name in The_Form.keys():
>>>>        #--------Checking for the selected Fields and turning those 
>>>> flag on--------
>>>>        if name == 'search_contents':
>>>>            value=The_Form[name]
>>>>            value.encode('utf-8')
>>>>            f=open("/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/temp.txt","w")
>>>>            f.write(value)
>>>>            f.close()
>>>>            try:
>>>>                command = "export 
>>>> CLASSPATH=/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/lucene-1.4.3.jar:/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/PDFBox-0.6.7a.jar:/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/log4j-1.2.8.jar:/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/tm-extractors-0.4.jar:/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/ArabicAnalyzer-1.0b.jar:/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/Jar_Files/commons-collections-3.1.jar" 
>>>>                import os
>>>>                os.system(command)
>>>>                command = "java -classpath 
>>>> $CLASSPATH:/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer SearchFiles"
>>>>                check=os.system(command)
>>>>                req.write("\ncheck = " + str(check))
>>>>                f  = open(  
>>>> "/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/results.txt","r")
>>>>                result=f.read()
>>>>                req.write(result)
>>>>            except:
>>>>                req.write("\n")
>>>>                req.write(str(sys.exc_type))
>>>>                req.write("\n")
>>>>                req.write(str(sys.exc_value))
>>>> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
>>>> # After executing the os.system command the value returned in check 
>>>> is maximum times 256 or some thing near 32000 .
>>>> # Java program is running independently without any errors. Only 
>>>> when it is called using os.system it doesn't run .
>>>> # The Java program is as follows
>>>> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
>>>> /**
>>>> * @Name   : SearchFiles.java
>>>> * @Version: 1.0
>>>> * @Author : Alok Khandelwal
>>>> * @Created: 2 August 2005
>>>> * @Purpose: Searching in index for arabic contents
>>>> * @Copyright:(c)2004 by Infogrid Pacific Pte. Ltd.
>>>> * @Licenece :Infogrid Pacific Eula
>>>> */
>>>> import org.apache.lucene.search.Searcher;
>>>> import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
>>>> import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
>>>> import org.apache.lucene.search.Hits;
>>>> import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser;
>>>> import gpl.pierrick.brihaye.aramorph.lucene.ArabicStemAnalyzer;
>>>> import java.io.*;
>>>> import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
>>>> class SearchFiles
>>>> {
>>>>    public static void main(String[] args)
>>>>    {
>>>>        try
>>>>        {
>>>>            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File ( 
>>>> "/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/temp.txt"));
>>>>            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new 
>>>> InputStreamReader(fis,"UTF8"));
>>>>            char [] buf = new char[80];
>>>>            int numRead;
>>>>            numRead=in.read(buf,0,80);
>>>>            String field="\"";
>>>>            for(int k=0;k<numRead;k++)
>>>>            {
>>>>                field=field+buf[k];
>>>>            }
>>>>            field=field+"\"";
>>>>            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File ( 
>>>> "/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/results.txt"));
>>>>            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new 
>>>> OutputStreamWriter(fos,"UTF8"));
>>>>            Searcher searcher = new 
>>>> IndexSearcher("/home/ajinkyan/cgi-bin/infoviewer/index_arabic");
>>>>            try
>>>>            {
>>>>                    Query query = QueryParser.parse(field, 
>>>> "contents", new ArabicStemAnalyzer());
>>>>                    Hits hits = searcher.search(query);
>>>>                    String output="Total match document = \n";
>>>>                    for(int j=0;j<hits.length();j++)
>>>>                    {
>>>>                        Document doc = hits.doc(j);
>>>>                    //    System.out.print(hits.score(j)+"  ");
>>>>                        output = output +"\n"+ doc.get("filename");
>>>>                    }
>>>>                    out.write(output);
>>>>                    out.write("\n");
>>>>            }
>>>>            catch(Exception e)
>>>>            {
>>>>                out.write("Parser Error");
>>>>                out.write("\n");
>>>>            }
>>>>            searcher.close();
>>>>            out.close();
>>>>        }
>>>>        catch (Exception e)
>>>>        {
>>>>            String s= " caught a " + e.getClass() +
>>>>             "\n with message: " + e.getMessage();
>>>>        }
>>>>    }//end of main
>>>> }//end of SerchFiles 

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