[mod_python] Help with error message

Rich Pinder rpinder at usc.edu
Mon Sep 27 08:08:24 EDT 2004

I have a mod_python script that has worked fine for a couple years now.  
It has a single function defined within the script.
I'm adding a second web form to my site, so I defined a second function 
in the same .py script, added/modified the fields needed for the new 
insert, but get the error below.

A python only script (without the web stuff) confirms I can insert data 
into the table, using the specified user id - so I know the database is 
configured correctly.  And as I say, the original function within the 
.py script continues to work just fine, so mod_python is configured 

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


 Apache 1.3
 Python 2.2 (#1, Mar 26 2002, 15:46:04)  [GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)] on 
 Mod_Python 2.7
 Kinterbasdb 3.0.2


Mod_python error: "PythonHandler mod_python.publisher"

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/apache/lib/python2.2/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line 193, in Dispatch
    result = object(req)

  File "/usr/lib/apache/lib/python2.2/site-packages/mod_python/publisher.py", line 171, in handler
    result = apply(object, (), args)

TypeError: sendinfofup() takes exactly 14 non-keyword arguments (3 given)


<form action="https://www.xxxxx.org/ctspython/ctsform/sendinfofup" method="post" name="form1">

CODE in .PY file:

def sendinfofup(frm_id, frm_zip, frm_Email1, frm_Resident_1996, 
frm_Resident_1997, frm_Resident_1998, frm_Resident_1999, frm\
_Resident_2000, frm_Resident_2001, frm_Resident_2002, frm_Resident_2003, 
frm_Resident_2004, frm_ResidentOutOfCalif, frm_Text\

TABLE_NAME = 'ctsfup2004'

 con = kinterbasdb.connect(

 cur = con.cursor()

 newContact2 = (
         (frm_id, frm_zip, frm_Email1, frm_Resident_1996, 
frm_Resident_1997, frm_Resident_1998, frm_Resident_1999, frm_Resi\
dent_2000, frm_Resident_2001, frm_Resident_2002, frm_Resident_2003, 
frm_Resident_2004, frm_ResidentOutOfCalif, frm_Text))

 cur.execute("insert into TABLE_NAME(id, zip5, email, resident_96, 
resident_97, resident_98, resident_99, resident_00, resid\
ent_01, resident_02, resident_03, resident_04, residentoutofcalif, sugg) 
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",\


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