[mod_python] Sessions + Publisher

Todd Boland itodd at itodd.org
Wed Sep 22 12:24:16 EDT 2004

On Sep 22, 2004, at 9:50 AM, Terry MacDonald wrote:

> If is_new() is always true it means that a session cookie is not in the
> request.
> util.redirect does not set up the cookie in the response, calling
> Session(req, secret...) does that (if the request does not have a valid
> one already set)

My understanding of Session is as follows: When I call Session(req, 
secret=''), I am assuming that the class first checks for existing 
cookies sent by the client, if it doesn't find one, it generates the 
sid and sends the set-cookie header to the client. It also sets a 
private member to 1 for Session.is_new() to return.

Is this accurate?

> Not knowing what is going on in your login script its hard to tell what
> the exact problem is but I would check that session cookies are being
> exchnged between the browser and the server.

The cookie is definitely being set. Firefox and Safari both report 
having pysid cookies. All my login script is at the moment is:

def login(req, url=None):

Safari bitches about too many redirects and firefox is sent into an 
infinite redirect loop.

Thanks for your help and time Terry.


> On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 01:12, Todd Boland wrote:
>> Hello again!
>> In my experiences as a web developer (I'm coming from a Perl/Mason
>> environment), I've found that the convenience of "transparently"
>> generating sessions outweighs the performance hit.
>> I'm trying to implement sessions "transparently" using 2 handlers for
>> every request. The first handler makes sure a session is set, if it 
>> was
>> just created, it will forward the browser to a login page (like the
>> documentation suggests). More code that checks session ids against
>> values in the database to authenticate users will eventually be added.
>> By the time a request gets to the second handler (the Publisher
>> handler), sessions have preemptively been taken care of (it's totally
>> "transparent").
>> The problem I'm having is: I end up in an infinite redirect loop:
>> The session handler:
>> from mod_python import apache, util
>> from mod_python.Session import Session
>> from RPM.common import web_root
>> def handler(req):
>>          session = Session(req, secret='********')
>>          # if the session is new, they need to log in
>>          if session.is_new():
>>                  # Using util's redirect will set the cookie
>>                  util.redirect(req, web_root('index.py/login?url=%s' %
>> req.uri))
>> 	# TODO: Make sure sid is logged in
>> 	# Hand off to Publisher handler by returning 200 OK
>>          return apache.OK
>> session.is_new() always returns 1 even after the session cookie is set
>> (after the redirect). Any ideas or nudges in the right direction would
>> greatly be appreciated. Thanks!
> -- 
> Terry
> Registered Linux User # 311806
> www.taumu.com
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Todd Boland
Software Engineer
Charged Software
(508) 887-2885
Facsimile: (978) 264-0058

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