[mod_python] mod_python bake-off?

Paul D. Eden peden at americanphysicians.net
Thu Sep 2 10:24:29 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 09:15, Jorey Bump wrote:
> Nic Ferrier wrote:
> > The reason I think this is that any "bake off" should be about the
> > python, not the HTML. You don't want the HTML to be clever or
> > interesting in anyway because it's not the subject of the bake off.
> How can a webapp bakeoff not be about the HTML? This is beginning to 
> sound a little "ivory tower" to me.
> In fact, part of the challenge should be that the application works in 
> any recent browser on any recent platform, including a text and 
> read-aloud browsers. Who cares how "good" the backend is if it can't 
> produce something that will survive in the real world?
> In a real bakeoff, contestants get judged on the quality of their cake, 
> not the oven they used to bake it. :)

Would one framework dictate the creation of different HTML than
another?  If not then a set of identical HTML templates to work from
would be a very good test of the frameworks.  I have not worked with
most of them excepting PSP and webware so we need some more experienced
voices on this.  

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