[mod_python] RE: Bug in mod_python.c causing multiple/redundant interpreter creation.

Nicolas Lehuen nicolas at lehuen.com
Sat Oct 16 16:41:00 EDT 2004

Thanks Graham, that's great news that you managed to find the issue. I'll
see if I can make a build for Win32 with your patch and tell you if it works
for me.



> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Graham Dumpleton [mailto:grahamd at dscpl.com.au] 
> Envoyé : samedi 16 octobre 2004 15:05
> À : Nicolas Lehuen
> Cc : 'Daniel Popowich'; mod_python at modpython.org
> Objet : Bug in mod_python.c causing multiple/redundant 
> interpreter creation.
> On 09/10/2004, at 6:10 PM, Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
> > Hi Graham, what are the pros and cons of using the imp 
> module versus 
> > an execfile call or an exec call ?
> >
> > Using Apache 2.0.52 on win32, with a multithreaded MPM, I 
> have noticed 
> > a few problem with mod_python.publisher which reloads the 
> same module 
> > many times when many threads try to load it concurrently. It seems 
> > that either mod_python.publisher or the imp module does not 
> properly 
> > handle this situation. The result is that I have many 
> instances of the 
> > same module in memory, so I got many connection pools 
> instead of only 
> > one and so on.
> > That's
> > why I decided to fix this and other problems (the famous 'only one 
> > index.py in your application') by reimplementing my own 
> variant of the 
> > publisher.
> Found it.
>  From what I can tell, there is actually a bug in 
> mod_python.c which is
> causing the problem you describe as "reloads the same module 
> many times
> when many threads try to load it concurrently".
> I am going to describe it quickly as it is getting late for me and I  
> need
> some sleep. Have attached a patch for people to evaluate and 
> try. Note  
> that
> the patch also includes a Mac OS X specific fix. That fix is 
> harmless in
> itself so just leave it in. The important changes are where 
> APR mutex is
> created and then locked/unlocked.
> The basic problem revolves around the Python dictionary used 
> to hold the
> set of interpreters. The code in mod_python.c is trying to use the  
> Python
> GIL to provide exclusive access to that dictionary and any subsequent
> creation of an interpreter.
> The only catch is that in creating a new interpreter, the 
> Python core  
> is,
> in someway I don't understand, swapping thread states at some point  
> which
> is allowing other threads to acquire the GIL. This is allowing other  
> threads
> to check the set of interpreters for the same interpreter that is  
> currently
> being constructed and since it isn't there yet, then also goes onto  
> create
> it as well.
> The result is you get many threads in the same process 
> creating the same
> named interpreter and loading the top level handler defined by the  
> directive
> PythonHandler (or other earlier handler). Thus you see all the logged
> messages about (re)importing the handler, as each thread has 
> managed to
> get to the point of doing it.
> What should have happened is that if the lock was truly exclusive, the
> subsequent threads would have waited until the first had actually  
> finished
> creating the interpreter in the first place.
> The patch for the problem is below. What I do is create an 
> APR mutex and
> lock that around the outside of the acquisition of the GIL, the GIL  
> still
> being required.
> In all the debugging I have in place in my code, I still note 
> something
> else not quite right in respect of the mod_python.apache module being
> reloaded more than once by a thread. I'll dig further into that  
> tomorrow.
> *** mod_python.c.dist	Fri Sep 24 15:11:32 2004
> --- mod_python.c	Sat Oct 16 22:36:30 2004
> ***************
> *** 31,36 ****
> --- 31,38 ----
>     * (In a Python dictionary) */
>    static PyObject * interpreters = NULL;
> + static apr_thread_mutex_t* interpreters_lock = 0;
> +
>    apr_pool_t *child_init_pool = NULL;
>    /**
> ***************
> *** 124,129 ****
> --- 126,133 ----
>            name = MAIN_INTERPRETER;
>    #ifdef WITH_THREAD
> +     apr_thread_mutex_lock(interpreters_lock);
> +
>        PyEval_AcquireLock();
>    #endif
> ***************
> *** 149,154 ****
> --- 153,160 ----
>    #ifdef WITH_THREAD
>        PyEval_ReleaseLock();
> +
> +     apr_thread_mutex_unlock(interpreters_lock);
>    #endif
>        if (! idata) {
> ***************
> *** 469,474 ****
> --- 475,483 ----
>        const char *userdata_key = "python_init";
>        apr_status_t rc;
> +     /* fudge for Mac OS X with Apache 1.3 where Py_IsInitialized()  
> broke */
> +     static int initialized = 0;
> +
>        apr_pool_userdata_get(&data, userdata_key, s->process->pool);
>        if (!data) {
>            apr_pool_userdata_set((const void *)1, userdata_key,
> ***************
> *** 490,502 ****
>        }
>        /* initialize global Python interpreter if necessary */
> !     if (! Py_IsInitialized())
>        {
>            /* initialze the interpreter */
>            Py_Initialize();
>    #ifdef WITH_THREAD
>            /* create and acquire the interpreter lock */
>            PyEval_InitThreads();
>    #endif
> --- 499,514 ----
>        }
>        /* initialize global Python interpreter if necessary */
> !     if (initialized == 0 || ! Py_IsInitialized())
>        {
> +         initialized = 1;
>            /* initialze the interpreter */
>            Py_Initialize();
>    #ifdef WITH_THREAD
> +          
> apr_thread_mutex_create(&interpreters_lock,APR_THREAD_MUTEX_UN
> NESTED,p);
> +
>            /* create and acquire the interpreter lock */
>            PyEval_InitThreads();
>    #endif
> --
> Graham Dumpleton (grahamd at dscpl.com.au)

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