[mod_python] Re: Undocumented (?) change in PythonPath for 3.0 vs 2.7

Patrick Percot ppercot at free.fr
Thu May 27 13:12:19 EDT 2004


[..Zappé 17 lignes et 463 caractères..]

> But if I do this under 3.0:
>   <Directory /mywebdir>
>     AddHandler python-program .py
>     PythonDebug On
>     <Files *.py>
>       PythonPath "['/mywebdir'] + sys.path"
>     </Files>
>     <Files "prog1.py"
>       PythonHandler prog1
>     </Files>
>     <Files "prog2.py"
>       PythonHandler prog2
>     </Files>
>   </Directory>
> (i.e. put the PythonPath inside a <Files *.py>) this works. 

I tried this too, because  the PythonPath directive didn't worked at all
for me. But I had no success with <Files *.py> directive. 

It worked only inside a <Files *> directive. 

I have the following software :

Python 2.3.3
mod_python 3.1.3
Apache 2.0.49

under  Debian Gnu/Linux  (the preceding  software  are not  part of  the
Debian packages).

[..Zappé 8 lignes et 98 caractères..]

Groupe Morbihannais d'Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres http://www.tuxbihan.org
Identifiant Jabber: pp at amessage.de
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Patrick Percot.

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