Jay Donnell
jdonnell at tdkcommunications.com
Sun May 9 11:39:59 EST 2004
Hi everyone, I just started testing mod_python and I have a quick question. The docs say the following "Note also that you do not have to have req as one of the arguments if you do not need it. The publisher handler is smart enough to pass your function only those arguments that it will accept." But, the form.py example won't work if I send it fewer arguments than it expects. For example, I can't call form.py/email without passing it any post variables. I get the following TypeError: email() takes exactly 4 non-keyword arguments (1 given) Also, the documentation was very confusing. I had to use part of the example from the 2.7 doc (AddHandler python-program instead of AddHandler mod_python .py) and part from the 3.1 doc (action="form.py/email" instead of action="form/email"). I'm using version 3.0.1 which was the latest rpm available to me via yum. Jay P.S. - I love python and I'm hoping I can move from using php to mod_python.