[mod_python] server cleanup

Ben ben at medianstrip.net
Wed Mar 10 20:49:02 EST 2004

er, i was asking WHY you can't get a server object w/out a request.

re: why does server.register_cleanup() need a request oject: there is
apache.log_error, which doesn't refer to a request.  why can't it use

these would be really helpful for me to have.  should i look into
adding them to mod_python, or is there an implementation quirk that
makes it impossible?

take care, B

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Ben wrote:
> > Grisha --
> >
> > why can you only get a server object within the scope of a request?
> Yes.
> > why does server.register_cleanup() require a request object param?
> This is because the server object itself has no reference to a request,
> but a request is required for logging AFAIR.
> Grisha

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