fowlertrainer at
fowlertrainer at
Mon Jan 5 09:46:10 EST 2004
Hi ! I want to control my website with only one py file: the But I got experience with one ugly thing in mod_python. In mod_php, the main.php file is can include many files, and all of them can include many other files. When I modify some or one of these files, the website is refreshed. But in mod_python, I cannot use the include, I have only one way to share/split my sources: the import. It is ok, but when I modify some of these imported files, the website is not refreshed !!! My solution in this time to I use only one file. It is not too good, because it is growing too much, and I cannot separate it to units. Have any solution to this problem ???? Thanx for any advance !!! -- Best regards, fowlertrainer mailto:fowlertrainer at