Fri Jan 9 21:51:57 EST 2004
[Wed May 15 15:46:25 2002] [error] [client] Invalid method in request agent=roger&password=xXxX&login=logg+innGET /style.css HTTP/1.1 ...and from the access log: - - [15/May/2002:16:07:42 +0200] "POST /cgi/ HTTP/1.1" 200 1396 - - [15/May/2002:16:07:42 +0200] "agent=roger&password=xXxX&login=logg+innGET /style.css HTTP/1.1" 501 459 So, it seems as the GET for the stylesheet is 'colliding' with the login POST operation...? This is not a problem when we keep the module cleanup loop. However, the application is too slow when we have many simultaneous users, actually slower than the old cgi, so we are trying to speed up everywhere we can. The lock in will prevent multiple simultaneous users? It seems like it is. The server load is reduced, because there are no python processes starting for each access, but the users perceive the application as _slower_ than it was as a classic cgi, and I think it is because of the lock in beeing a bottleneck, slipping through only one user at the time... is this the way mod_python is supposed to work? win2k, SP2, 5.00.2195 apache 1.3.24 mod_python 2.7.4 python 2.1.3 (214) -- Roger