jalil at securia.com
Mon Feb 2 15:01:56 EST 2004
I came across the following Pool.py (http://dustman.net/andy/python/Pool) while reading MySQLdb docs but I am not sure how to use it. I have inserted the code below. Could somebody familiar let me know how we are supposed to use it? Thanks, -Jalil class Pool(Queue): """Manage a fixed-size pool of reusable, identical objects.""" def __init__(self, constructor, poolsize=5): Queue.__init__(self, poolsize) self.constructor = constructor def get(self, block=1): """Get an object from the pool or a new one if empty.""" try: return self.empty() and self.constructor() or Queue.get(self, block) except Empty: return self.constructor() def put(self, obj, block=1): """Put an object into the pool if it is not full. The caller must not use the object after this.""" try: return self.full() and None or Queue.put(self, obj, block) except Full: pass class Constructor: """Returns a constructor that returns apply(function, args, kwargs) when called.""" def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs): self.f = function self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self): return apply(self.f, self.args, self.kwargs)