Ole Jacob Hagen
waterthrill at yahoo.no
Thu Aug 5 11:22:16 EDT 2004
Hi. I am making a web-application, and I've choosed to use mod_python. Here is my mod_python.conf % ------- Snip of mod_python.conf: ---------% <Directory /var/www/html/psp> AddHandler mod_python .psp .psp_ PythonHandler mod_python.psp PythonDebug On </Directory> % ------- End of snip ----------------% The configuration is working. I have splitted html-files in an html-folder, psp-related and python-code into a psp-folder. I will give a short description on what I would like to make: I want two frames, where one frame is sending POSTS to second frame. A layout sketch: -------------------------------- Frame 1: Consists configuration-elements to Frame2, sent as POST'S? input1 = number1 input2 = number2 -------------------------------- Frame 2: Receive POSTS from GET 2. Use Data received. 3. Add Frame1.number1 + Frame1.number2 ------------------------------- End of layout sketch. The layout of these two frames are pretty static, while the content are not... Is this possible? Do someone have a smart solution to this problem of mine? Maybe a short example can be sent to me, so I can continue work on that skeleton? That would be awesome.. Thank you in advance. Cheers, Ole