Colin Fox
cfox at
Sun Apr 4 21:13:43 EST 2004
Hi, all. I'm trying to use sessions, and getting a wierd behaviour. Two behaviours, really. First, the site is very snappy and responsive until I add sessions, then suddenly every 10 pages or so the site will suddenly just not respond (and my current session use is pretty much just what I have as an example below). Secondly, I can record values into the session in one part of my code, but when I check for them somewhere else, they're never there. Are sessions global? There's a part in the docs about "Cookies generated by sessions..." are they talking about access to the session itself? Here's a snippet of what I'm doing to test the session code: session = Session.Session(req) req.write("is_new(): %s" % session.is_new()) Any particular reason why that would lock up? Lastly, when I call "" - That is only documented as writing session values to storage - is that supposed to be persistant storage, or memory? If I say "session['blah']=5", will that actually be stored in the session for alter retrieval, or do I have to call after every change, regardless of whether or not I want it to be server or client reset persistant? Thanks, cf ps. The "secret key" for a signed cookie - Can that be any value, or does that have to be an MD5 or something? The docs don't say. Can I just use "blah blah blah" as my secret?